Negapedia, the negative version of Wikipedia, is the permanent observatory of passions and controversies in society, obtained by analyzing the hidden world behind Wikipedia, where people fight to change information.

Discover for example, among the various rankings, last year's complete 2023 most conflictual topics, or the most conflictual topics of all time.

All the main linguistic societies of the world have a dedicated Negapedia portal: you can see the full list (more than 50 societies available so far!) in the central Negapedia portal. The central portal contains also the latest news: see for instance The Words that matter, The World before the War: 2+2 and more.

The global state of information

Words that matter
The most important words from all discussions
ConflictThe instability of information (see more…)

Historical trend (2003 - 2023)

AngerThe anger level of people (see more…)

Historical trend (2003 - 2023)